Order Online
GAKU Sushi-Izakaya delivery service is processed from its two restaurant locations, Chalandri and Syntagma.
Please select the relevant location based on your delivery address.
As a reference in choosing the right restaurant please consult the following maps .
GAKU Chalandri
Delivery Hours
Monday to Sunday 17:00 - 23:30
Delivery Zone
GAKU Syntagma
Delivery Hours
Tuesday to Sunday 17:00 - 23:30
Delivery Zone
Order Online in a few steps - enjoy GAKU'S premium japanese cuisine at home or work
Order now through our friendly platform from any device (desktop / laptop / mobile / tablet-friendly)
See pictures of our dishes
Enter your information only once at your first order
Choose your payment method. If you choose to pay by credit/debit card our delivery driver will handle you a POS to swipe your card.
Choose to have your order delivered at a later time (1,5 hour or more after your order entry)
*** Please note that GAKU reserves the right to reject your order if your delivery address falls outside the delivery zone. In such case, the system informs you that your address is off limits and it is at the discretion of the restaurant to accept or reject your order based on the load of work at that point in time.
To determine if your address is within our delivery zone, please consult the maps above.
*** We accept all major credit/debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)